Apr 16, 2007


Today the world pauses on behalf of the collegiate community at Virgina Tech which has been saddened by the tragedy and the families of the students impacted by this mornings events.

"In Praise of the Planet" wishes to extend its most sincere sentiments, in sympathy, as the community and its campus come together on Tuesday at 2:00P.M. local time for Convocation in the Cassell Coliseum.

Information on the status of the situation as it continues to evolve may be found at the Official Emergency Management Response Resource at: http://www.vt.edu/tragedy/

It is my personal hope that, through this and other tragic events in our nations not so distant past of impact to the Educational infrastructure that a duologue will finally begin in the halls of Congress, the Senate, and resonate throughout the Country to call an end to this apparent crisis!

Only then will we be able to say that our society values its schools.

Lately however, the conversation often seems to center around the cost of our schools as opposed to the quality of their campuses and, as a result, many teachers are facing the unemployment line, and classrooms across the country often go underfunded and under resourced.

In my opinion, these buildings should be protected in the same manner as any other government related facility, for the simple fact that, we as a society have an obligation to our students, and their teachers, to provide for their safety.

Yet, it seems that there are many schools which appear to be not as prepared to provide for the safety of the students, and staff they serve.

In my opinion, there needs to be a greater emphasis placed on the implementation of similar procedures, and safety standards as those which are currently used to protect those in the civil service at court houses throughout the country.

Let us pause and pray to our Holy Mother, the Earth, for all of the pain and suffering of the victims, their families, and those who love and support them. Let us also remember to pray for the family of the alleged assailant and those who knew and loved him.

Only when we can extend the hand of healing to the hearts of everyone affected can we begin to face the future together in a common goal... to end the violence and live in victory in stead of fear!

Our Hearts go out to Heal the Hurting!

[ END]

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