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We as humans create more waste and destruction than any other force of impact in our world today. The leader in this ecological devastation is the United States and its chief culprit is the automobile.
Let me ask you however if a grade were to be handed out on the basis of performance in the United States strictly on the basis of our current environmental policy and preservation opinion is that the score that would ultimately be that of a D -
We have not failed primarily because the international community is forcing us to begin to duologue on the issues of greatest impact to our Mother Earth.
We do not do enough to implement the things we talk about into forces for change.
In Wisconsin alone there are no changes in the state's largest populated metropolitan area to provide alternatives such as, public transportation, bike trail repair, or trains.
Instead we focus on "cost effective" cuts which do nothing to the long term effects of these problems but to provide a short term solution.
This is a despicable response to a devastating crisis. Politicians who continue to fail to address the needs of the Planet and its peoples should be replaced by election recall.
The needs of our Planet out way the needs of America's corporate pockets, and the political community which supports them. I feel it is time that we stand up for the global rights of others and heal our land instead of continuing to hurt it.
Here are some of the ways in which I feel we could better benefit the World around us.:
1. Use as many forms of Public Mass Transit as possible like:
Milwaukee County Transit
Metra Rail Transit
2. Mobilize Pollution Free through:
Milwaukee by Bike
Bicycle Task Force
Bike Lanes & Routes
3. Organize by Supporting:
Green Cross International
U. N. Environmental Programme
U. U. Ministry for Earth
I. T. E. C.
4. Advocate by Educating the Future:
N. A. A. E. E.
E. P. A. Environmental Education
5. Co-exist through Conscious Energy Consumption
Energy Star
And finally remember to help bridge the gap between those who have, those who have less, and those who have none!
Believe it or not folks, but science shows that people care less about the impact they are having on the environment when they cannot afford access to Health care, which according to the United Nations is a necessary Right, not an optional Privilege.
Only when we begin to focus our support of profits in a direction which limits their negative impact on the Human Psyche can true liberty, and freedom be given to each, and every person through out the world.
This means appropriately dealing with the disparage in the African Union region of Dar fur. It also means that we as a society, more locally, need to respect the rights of our employees by realizing that people are not to be viewed as property to be expended or disposed of when we have gotten our use fullness out of them.
We can do better... we must do better... or we will continue to pay more and get less!